37 FUN Ways to Explore Your Inner Creativity


We are all creative. So, the phrase “creative person” is a bit redundant! It’s not something that’s reserved for just artists, writers, and musicians.

And while some people may be able to ‘tap into’ this gift more easily, we can all hone this skill and experience more creative enjoyment in our lives. 

In fact, as an entrepreneur, creativity is one of the main things I recognize as an asset.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a career person, a retiree, a college student or ANY OTHER combination or lifestyle– there are countless ways to tap into your creative side.

In fact, being creative can improve your mental health, reduce stress, and give you a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

 If you’re looking for inspiration or struggling to find your creative spark, here are 37 ways to practice creativity right now!

1. Take a walk in nature

Spending time in nature can stimulate your sense of creativity and help you come up with new ideas. So if you are struggling to get started, head out in your neighborhood and stay open to the inspiration that comes your way.

2. Start journaling

Taking a few moments to write down your thoughts and feelings can unlock your inner creativity and help you connect with your emotions. Having a favorite notebook or two are key for being ready for inspiration to strike!

3. Practice mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation can help you focus your mind and tap into your inner creativity. Try this: sit on the couch, with no phone or laptop— just a pen and some paper. When an idea comes, write it down. Otherwise, sit in peace. This sounds wildly simple, but it works. Truly. Carve out time to be bored— with a pen and paper nearby!

4. Take a class

Art classes like painting, drawing, or sculpting can tap into your artistic side and help you develop new skills. A writing class can help you with prompts or instruction. Classes can help us see the world in a new way. Or at least leave with some funny and interesting stories.

5. Try a new recipe

Cooking is a creative outlet that allows you to experiment with different ingredients and create something delicious. Using natural, whole foods is nourishing for our mind body and spirit.

6. Start a DIY project

Whether it’s sewing, knitting, crocheting, or woodworking, DIY projects can tap into your creative side and help you build something useful.

7. Listen to inspiring music

Listening to music that evokes strong emotions can help you tap into your creative side and inspire you to take a new chance.

8. Take a break from technology

Unplugging and stepping away from technology can help you clear your mind and tap into your inner creativity. This one is obvious but is really useful. Do you remember life before smart phones? You can re-live that lifestyle for a few hours each week to enhance your creativity.

9. Read a book

Reading can inspire you with new ideas, give you new perspectives, and help you connect with your own emotions and experiences. Go to your favorite local bookstore or go to your local library. So much inspiration awaits!

10. Try adult coloring books

Adults coloring is a personal favorite around here at Honeypot Publishing. Our minimalist coloring book designs offer a great way to feel a sense of creativity, inspiration, and accomplishment.

Our books work best with colored pencils, or you can do like I do, and place a piece of cereal box cardboard in-between the pages and use alcohol markers!

You could even host a coloring party with friends if you really want to tap into the creative energy of others.

11. Visit a museum or art gallery

Exposing yourself to great art can open your mind to new creative ideas and inspire you to experiment with different media.

12. Take up photography

Photography allows you to capture the beauty of the world around you and experiment with different techniques. You can simple use your phone if you want! Just go out in nature and take a few inspired photos. You might be surprised how thrilling it is to ‘capture’ something so effortlessly!

13. Attend a poetry reading

Poetry can stimulate your mind and emotions and inspire you to write your own. Plus, you can offer some snaps for artist sharing their souls with the world.

14. Join a dance or theater class

Dance and theater provide a creative outlet for physical expression and can help you channel your emotions into your performance. Or, you can simply turn up the music in your living room and host an impromptu dance party. Moving your body shakes loose your mind!

15. Collaborate with other creatives

Collaborating with other creatives can help you expand your creative horizons and come up with new ideas. Schedule a tandem creative work session in line or in person can inspire you to ‘do the thing’ you keep saying you want to do!

16. Explore a new city or town

Traveling can expose you to new cultures, landscapes, and perspectives that can inspire your creativity. Maybe even just go to a different side of your own town. If you tend to travel west, try out east. Typcially eat up north? Head south. You get the idea. You are a smart, creative, cookie.

17. Write a letter to yourself

Writing a letter to yourself can help you reflect on your goals and aspirations and find inspiration for your creative endeavors. Or, tap into your future or past self with a letter to your 8 year old self or 108 year old self.

18. Begin a JOY journal

It’s even easer than a traditional journal, because there are prompts, and inspirational quotes! Yes, the JOY Journal is a proud offering we have here at Honeypot Publishing. It’s a simple way to add more joy and creativity to your days!

19. Create a vision board

Creating a vision board can help you visualize your goals and aspirations and motivate you to take action. Grab some old magazines and some poster board and have fun. This can make a great “year end” or “new year” tradition and, again, if you have some friends over it can become a creative party.

20. Practice texts of appreciation

Send a few texts to loved ones. Write out something you appreciate about them. This is an exercise in expression and also appreciation. A double whammy for more enjoying more positive vibes in your life! Looking for ways to cultivate even more appreciation? Check out our Appreciation Journal.

21. Host a dinner party

Throwing a dinner party can tap into your creative side as you experiment with recipes, decorations, and table settings. You can make it as fancy or fuss-free as you’d like. GIve it a theme to add extra fun.

22. Play an instrument

Playing an instrument can give you a creative outlet for your emotions and help you connect with others through music. If you’re not especially musically inclined, try a ukulele. It’s a fun and forgiving friend to me!

23. Try a new hobby or sport

Whether it’s knitting, cross-stitching, embroidery, or macramé, trying a new hobby can tap into your creative potential and help you develop new skills. A new sport may not seem ‘creative’ but the competitive and energy you get from the experience could surprise you!

24. Try a breathing exercise

Various breathing techniques can be calming or even energizing! Learning to tune your breath to your desired state is an amazing skill, which can be useful in a variety of life situations!

25. Practice call-and-response

Call-and-response is a creative technique used in music, theater, and other forms of performance that can help you develop your creative skills. Or you could play charades— an acting game which brings out the silly in everyone.

26. Attend a retreat

Retreats can help you re-set your life. There are writing retreats, breathwork retreats, men’s retreats, women’s retreats…. and on and on. Connect with other like-minded, like spirited people for inspiration and motivation. Can’t get away? Take a nice long bath and consider it the '“staycations of retreats!”

27. Try doodling

Yes, of course drawing is lovely, but have you ever tried doodling? Being able to draw simple but lovely little doodles is quite spectacular and really gets my creative juices flowing. I like to draw little mushroom houses, gnomes, cats, and houseplants all along my journal..

28. Clear a corner

Never underestimate the power of a tidy space. Yes, for some creatives, a cluttered desk is full of possibility, but for many people a clear space means more room for creativity to truly blossom. Out with the old. Toss and donate what you don’t need. Wipe down surfaces and savor the feeling of freshness and fresh, new ideas!

29. Try list making

List making is a handy way to keep all your ideas in one place. I have numerous lists going at all times. An ongoing grocery list, meal idea list, product ideas, blog topic ideas, ideas for my businesses. On and on. Ideas beget ideas, so make idea lists, too!

30. Play with new materials

Experimenting with different materials like clay, paper, fabric, yarn, etc, can help you tap into your artistic side and discover new ways of expressing yourself. Do different things with different materials and creativity is sure to ensue!

31. Attend a creativity workshop

Creativity workshops can help you develop your creative skills and provide you with new strategies for unlocking your potential. Once again, if you can’t find a creativity workshop in your neighborhood, you can create one!

32. Change-up your wardrobe

Changing the way you dress changes the energy of things. It just does. Try this out. Dress up a bit more than usual. Or get REAALLLLLY comfy and get into creative mode. Neither strategy is better than the other. They are just different. But the clothes we choose to wear do impact how we show up in the world.

33. Try free-writing

Free-writing is a technique used by writers to stimulate their creativity and tap into their subconscious mind. Try writing three pages non-stop and see what ideas come to the surface.

34. Find some live music

Concerts and music festivals can expose you to new genres and artists and inspire you to experiment with different kinds of music. Much like a poetry reading brings the creativity to life, so will the live music.

35. Try urban sketching

Urban sketching is a form of drawing that involves sketching the outdoor environment and can be a powerful form of creative expression.

36. Attend a storytelling event

Storytelling events can inspire you with new stories and provide you with strategies for unlocking your own creativity. Or, simply create a storytelling event with a campfire and some friends.

37. Go back to basics

The best way to explore your inner creativity is to follow your interests and take advantage of opportunities to learn new things. What lights you up? What is it that makes you lose track of time when you are doing it? Do more of that!

Creativity is not something that’s reserved for a select few; it’s for YOU. To enjoy and explore and discover! It’s something that we all have the ability to develop and cultivate. 

No matter how busy life may get, there are countless ways to tap into your inner potential and unlock your creativity. 

By trying some of the above mentioned, new things, you can find inspiration and unlock your own creative potential. Go ahead and explore your inner creativity – you never know where your creative journey may take you!


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